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Design Structure Matrix

In our Pragmatica ontology, we conceptualize business progress as requiring transitions from existing to projected states of affairs. These transitions occur through orderings of the various elements and relations that constitute the states of affairs in play, which must be executed such that the realization of a projected state of affairs becomes increasingly probable as the transitions proceed. Orderings of elements and relations are 'structures'. In transitions, both the quality of the structures at work and their sequencing and interdependence must be understood and managed. Because these issues affect horizontal and vertical interactions, they must be considered at the design stage.  

Design Structure Matrix, developed by our colleague Donald Steward, is a highly-tractable modeling tool we utilize to represent and order the elements, relations and interactions comprising states of affairs. DSM enables users to understand transitions involving numerous elements and interactions in visual representations that are remarkably intuitive. The tool can address complex issues in health care management, financial systems, public policy, natural sciences, and social systems.