Donald Steward is a distinguished scholar and practitioner in the field of engineering and systems design. His books - Systems Analysis and Management: Structure, Strategy and Design and Software Engineering with Systems Analysis and Design – are seminal works in this field. Don’s development of the Dependency Structure Method resulted in his invitation to MIT as a visiting scholar, DSM's wide-spread use in engineering design, and a series of annual international DSM workshops, the 16th held in Paris July 2-4, 2014. Over the years Don’s areas of scientific work have included nuclear engineering at General Electric, computer systems at Burroughs Research Labs, and econometric modeling at the Social Systems Research Institute of the University of Wisconsin. He has taught business systems at Virginia Commonwealth University and software engineering at California State University, Sacramento. He holds a BS in Physics and Mathematics from Iowa State College, an MS in Mathematics from Stanford University, and PhD in Computer Science from the University of Wisconsin.