Methodological Vim

Quickly-changing environments require firms to evolve conceptual frameworks and methods.  Most firms are not good at this. They are typically reactive.  This is understandable given the immediacy and urgency of the concerns that executives wake up to each day.  When the scope and rate of change are not severe and as long as most firms cluster predictably on the lag-curve, this approach generally suffices without jeopardizing relative competitive position. 

In much of contemporary commerce, however, the rate and intensity of change can no longer be dealt with reactively if firms expect to realize projected states of affairs consistently. Why is this? In the nature of things, the rate and intensity of change increase as the elements and relations constituting states of affairs multiply. This phenomenon (a) dramatically affects causalities, the management of which is the key to business progress, and (b) increasingly strains the cognitive resources required for actionable clarity. 

Firms thus confront complexity's double-press. Change becomes more severe and disruptive, even as the cognitive resources necessary for dealing with it become more strained. At a point, the convex curve suddenly becomes concave - and change can't be 'caught up with' anymore. Under these conditions, the necessity of methodological advance is an inescapable fact of life.  Pragmatica offers the resources for embracing and leveraging that imperative.