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Business progress requires transitions from existing to projected states of affairs. To accomplish these outcomes, it is necessary that firms manage causalities. The most dominant causal relations in commerce are deontic relations – patterns of formal and informal relations among individuals or institutions that involve reciprocal rights, obligations, entitlements, commitments, expectations, duties, and so forth. Deontic relations arrange, magnify, and make predictable countless interactions among firms, shareholders, employees, regulators, customers, suppliers, partners, competitors, and other members of the complex environment. Deontic relations well-managed reduce transaction costs, improve efficiencies, accelerate time-to-market, hedge risk, and multiply return on capital.   

It is one of the features of complex environments that deontic relations increasingly proliferate. Depending on how well they are managed, they will cause executed plans to generate disproportionate yields or they will cause the firm to suffer disproportionate disruptions. Achieving the former requires among other things identifying and enlisting individuals whose influence or jurisdiction is a key to breaking loose or enabling projected states of affairs; identifying and enlisting constellations of individuals whose interrelationship affects the viability or the timing of the organization's movements, and so on. Our firm has extensive deontic networks in a variety of industries and regions.