Key Themes in PragmaticA

Explanatory Power 

Adjusting Levels of Abstraction. The meaning of phenomena in commerce are strongly determined by their relationships to other phenomena. As environments become more complex, these interrelations proliferate. To have clarity, it often becomes necessary to see matters at varying levels of abstraction, which Pragmatica elegantly facilitates. 

Fluid Conceptual Integration. Through the lens of Pragmatica, it is easier to recognize common logical forms across diverse conceptual and functional areas. This helps us move back and forth efficiently over interrelated problem-spaces without a constant need to reorient.

Re-Usable Structure. Pragmatica helps us identify reusable and transferable structure of high grade - equations, constructs, patterns of explanation or argument, models, code segments, forms, and so on - from areas outside the local focus. This aids cognitive economy, an important value in complex environments.  

Objectivity. Objectivity depends on an ability to see phenomena from multiple vantage points. Pragmatica allows this to be done fluidly. This enhances business judgments and sharpens intuitions.

Patterns of Truth. Transitions from existing to projected states of affairs depend in countless ways on patterns. These include patterns relied on to verify truth as well as patterns relied on to transmit utilities and probabilities. In complex environments there are continual influxes of the elements and relations that constitute the patterns of commerce. Every pattern of truth or efficacy is widely integratable. Pragmatica offers a method to gauge those characteristics systematically. This helps us more consistently separate truth and validity from falsehood and spuriousness.      


Adjusting Probabilities. States of affairs are configurations of elements and relations. Transitions from an existing to a projected state of affairs must be ordered such that the probability of realizing the envisaged state increases as transitions unfold. Accomplishing this reliably and consistently requires adjusting and modulating these patterns along the way. Pragmatica offers a formal schema for doing this.  

Symbolic Languages. Pragmatica shows that relationships between practice and theory, non-technical and technical domains, and ordinary and formalized language are fluid and interrelated. Our ontology offers the means to make agile use of this reality. One example is that almost any coherent business conceptualization can, in the Pragmatica framework, be rendered in symbolic language for purposes of programming code design, database design, electrical circuit design, and so on. 

Anachronistic Category Distinctions. Certain categories of knowledge are viewed as utterly distinct and non-intersecting with respect to the nature of valid explanation within the category. Among scores of examples are the explanatory principles at work in Economics, Ethics, Aesthetics and Cognitive Biology. When the complex phenomena of contemporary environments are filtered through the lens of Pragmatica, it becomes apparent that many of these distinctions are not valid and that their continued sway impedes much richer understandings of the environment. 

Enlarged Measurement & Computation

Mathematical Expression. An advantage to the conception of states of affairs as patterns of elements and relations is that the relations among elements that make something a pattern can be expressed mathematically. Causal Relatedness, Probability, Order and other notions that figure prominently in our approach and which we conceptualize in pattern language, can thus be defined formally.

These can be related to logical forms in other domains including those in which programmes of measurement are already highly formalized and highly tractable. This feature of Pragmatica is one of the avenues by which new types of measurement applicable to business, commerce, and innovation can be generated. 

Formal Foundations. The principles of the Pragmatica ontology are derivable from axioms of information and probability theory. The insights are not based on intuitions but on rigorous formal machinery.

Measuring Order. Quantifying ‘degrees of order’ for purposes of comparison is a skill that is not explicitly taught or applied in business. As environments become more complex, however, the significance of this metric becomes more apparent. The  Pragmatica ontology provides an approach for measuring degrees of order. Among its beneficial applications is this metric's utilization during middle-period stages of transitions when the wisdom of the course has not yet manifested and second-guessing begins to occur.